Thursday, January 8, 2009

An Awesome Prize!

Last week I got an email from one of my favorite sellers- Rachel at Two Little Whales- saying I had won her surprise package. She personalized it for me, and sent it out. It was SO MUCH FUN to open a package of free stuff! And she was VERY generous!

* Snap-Ez Eco Pocket
* Thirsties AIO
* Drybees AIO Hybrid
* Wahmies mini wet bag
* A BabyLegs legwarmers set
* Reusable grocery bags for my older kids
* Samples of wipes and rash cream

Winning anything diaper-related is a cloth-diaperer's dream!!! :D


  1. I am so jealous! I won a prize during the Great Cloth Diaper Hunt, which was exciting, but it was just a trainer and a potty training program. I am drooling!

  2. How cool to be on a blog! I'm glad you are happy with the package! :)

  3. The infamous Rachel from Two Little Whales! *giggle* Hi Rachel! :D
