Friday, March 27, 2009

Still Struggling with Detergent

Yeah... I don't know why. Tide seems to work great, but I get hung up on all the "additives" and whatnot. So I've been trying others again. Right now I'm doing mostly Planet. But my diapers come out of the washer looking DIRTY! And I dabbled a little bit in Simply Clean, but again- my diapers just didn't look clean! (Although they smelled great)

I know I want to use a powdered detergent, and I know I need one that is made for HE (front-loading) washers. But other than Tide, I haven't found any that really seem to get the diapers clean. The Country Save was a joke- almost like using water alone.

I really should just give in and use Tide again, because I had NO build-up, NO repelling, hardly any stains, and NO stink. All the scare tactics about ruining diapers by using it seem to be a bunch of hooey. :)


  1. I know the frustrations!! I have finally settled on alternating between Tide and Simply Clean. The Tide gets them clean and the simply clean keeps them soft. I use them every other wash.

  2. I LOVE my original detergent and have just gone back to it after trying many others (including, Planet, Simply Clean, Tide, and Purex F&C).

    MOUNTAIN GREEN its awesome. Gets diapers clean. No additives. HE safe.

    Good Luck in your search

  3. Mountain Green! It was the first detergent I used. Maybe I'll give it a try again before throwing in the towel! ;)

  4. I use Planet and I also add a bit of OxoBrite for an extra boost, keeps them looking clean and bright. Oh and I second Country Save, I have boxes of that stuff from Amazon, I don't even use it on regular laundry LOL

  5. Right now I'm trying some Planet with a little Simply Clean and a little Tide thrown in. Maybe I'll add a little OxoBrite, too. You should see my laundry room shelf right now! SO MANY CONTAINERS!!! Hahaha

  6. You might want to try:
    I tried it based on a recomendation by greenmountain diapers. It is powder and works with he washers. Supposed to be very good for diapers!

  7. I haven't tried Charlie's because of the intimidating "bum burn" babies were getting from it! It now comes with a disclaimer that some babies react extremely to it and get chemical burn. ARGH! I'm not brave enough to try it. :)
