Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Cutest Bumble I've Seen!!!

Now, please ignore the "reminiscent of Grandpa's dark socks on white chicken legs" look... Please focus on the bum instead. He's wearing a Kiwi Pie fitted with a Luxe Baby wool cover over it.

Someone please explain to me... Why did I waste so much time with pocket diapers and all-in-one diapers when this cuteness was available???

I'm a fitteds with covers convert, I tell ya!


  1. Ive got fleece coming but I am afraid of wool covers... Special washes, and lanolin. I'm just not sure how to take care of them!

  2. I agree that they are adorable. But tell me this-- isn't a pocket just overall cheaper than covers and fitteds? Or do you save money because you don't have to change the cover every time?

  3. True, true! Cheaper, definitely. But I only have to wash the covers every 2 weeks unless they get soiled, and you really only need 2-3 covers!

    Mostly I decided to do wool because if the breathable factor- you don't get that with PUL. It's just healthier for their bums to be able to get some air regularly. :)

    (I still have some AIOs with PUL, and I use them every time I go out!)

  4. I have to say that I am still a pocket/AIO fan but I love the cute softness and natural fibers of fitteds. I have some mutt 3sr that I love and just went in deep with some goodmamas this weekend when they stocked. I got some really cute fleece outfits from gymboree and carters to use with fitteds. Until this point I have been using PUL covers with fitteds, pockets or my mutt AIO that I adore. I think I can do fleece becauseit can still be a cute outfit. I dont know if I can ever be a coverless kind of person

  5. There are some fitteds I can go coverless with at home- PeeWells being one of them!

    My husband is not a fan of fleece covers. He was taught in the Coast Guard that the wetness goes to the outside of fleece, and thinks he'll be touching pee if our little guy is wearing fleece. *rolls eyes*

    But wool... I love wool! :)

  6. so funny- touching pee! my dh like I have said before has no clue about anything regarding our babies' diapers:) anyway- today was my first day with them in fitteds (mutt 3sr) and fleece pants. I kept feeling them like crazy trying to see if I felt wetness or smelled pee:) They worked fine but my guys are so skinny the pants were falling off- maybe this wont work but at least I have some new cute outfits! btw- I feel like I am living your blog too:)

  7. So... is it itchy? It looks cute, but I think wool, and think itchy.

  8. This isn't itchy wool at all. I can't wear wool sweaters because I get all hot and itchy and get hives. This wool feels soft- smooth, not hairy. Very un-wool-like. ;)

  9. LOL, Just realized you won't recognize that SN. It's Julie.. ya know the psycho newbie that you stocked with dipes! :0)
    OH and BTW, LOVING EM! The microfiber is working great for my little peepee man!

  10. Hi Julie! Glad the diapers are working out for you!!! :D And nice to "see" you again!
